\why didnt goku turn super sayian than beat him and even without supersayian goku's power level is atleast in the trillions
Goku and Superman's strength are put to the test when they go against each other in a classic battle of stength! Challenge #1
\why didnt goku turn super sayian than beat him and even without supersayian goku's power level is atleast in the trillions
thumb wrestling
a race
yoyo skill contest
boxing (as a side suggestion to this one Cheeche and Louis can be card girls)
pick up sticks
yo mama so fat/ugly/dum
and so much more... dude when you ask for suggestions expect ANYTHING
I do like the concept of this but the art is a little basic. sound was good and overall worth the rating given
who can pee farther/bigger penis (just for an adult rating thing) have 4 stars tatooed to goku's scrodem too for an additional laugh ;)
Great work! 5/5 :D
Very awesome dude. I especially like'd the sound effects of the tremor.
Thanks man!
Ahahaha yup that's probably what would happen!
XD Thanks Misdreya.