A lot more could of been done here; even Cyanide and Happiness, which is simplistic in nature, does more than this and in a static environment.
This is the short 1st episode of Patatoe Man. Not much to say about it. Soooooo yeah enjoy. Oh and this was made in 2008 I've improved so much since then haha
A lot more could of been done here; even Cyanide and Happiness, which is simplistic in nature, does more than this and in a static environment.
I agree it is amatuer-ish but its okay Ep 3 should be better. Ep2 is kind of the same feel only in "Act 2" it gets a lot better animation wise. Thanks for the feedback
This would have probably looked a lot better back in 2008, not saying it was bad, I like the oldschool feel to it.
Feels like something that was posted back when I first started going on NG. I kinda wished it didn't loop.
Still not too bad,
No i totally understand what your coming from its pretty dated, and i have no idea how to turn that loop off if i knew how to I would. Thanks for the feedback
Its okay, animation and art were a bit sloppy, but still very nice!
Thank you sir, like i said in the comment I made this in 2008 and I was just starting out haha but still thanks for the feedback!
Weak rhyme, weak music, weak animation, weak voice acting, weak loop, and last but not least; weak patatoes.
Thanks for watching anyway haha if you hate this your going to hate Episode 2. I redid the theme song using 800x450 as the stage size and forgot i worked on episode 2 in Adobes default stage dimensions. So the whole theme song is cropped off haha.