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stretchy-man episode 2

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episode 2.
watch on here or youtube!
newgrounds http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/634075?id=634075&updated=1
youtube http://youtu.be/mjEHBfCgwxI . strechyman is a lovable bald dude who can strech himself anyway he wishes (more better animated episodes coming soon!

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Hated the "walking", please animate some basic loop of walking. Liked the voices, liked the random inanimate objects talking. So-so puns, liked the "brain-storm" a lot.
Whatever happened to him being a stretchy man?
OK, have checked out your work. Yes, its quite good but no, you are not in any way Notable enough to get a Page on Wikigrounds- yet ;)

Megacharlie responds:

Thanks! :D Also I know about the Wikigrounds thing. XD

I'm working on a new episode while I write this, so yeah!
This new episode I'm making is a huge improvement over even episode 3!

It should be out idk when but it will be good.

Thanks for the review!

Wow huge improvement from the last entrances. If you keep improving like this you'll be a top animator in no-time! Laughed at all the bread puns, or should I say 'buns', get it ? hah. Also +1 for sheer effort and length.

Megacharlie responds:

thank XD! I'm glad you liked it. It took so much more time then expected (i got it uploaded right before bedtime) lol. I think that new episodes wil be a little shorter than this one because i don't want them to take so long to make.

Credits & Info

4.18 / 5.00

Feb 15, 2014
10:58 PM EST