's a work in progress.
I feel that your logo could be more definitive and expressive.
Just a "face" is okay for starters, but your name can be played on in this.
Even your Newgrounds Name could be changed to fit yourself.
*I'm sure it can be simply wittled down to "Beast-Kid" that's a trademark title right there.
It's sorta a play on Xmen's Beast and DC's Beastboy, only with the word Kid.
Keep at it if you are serious about animation.
But I gave up once I realized just how much work i really is. I'll settle for just writing stories and making comics.
You have to almost be a little crazy to want to do it. -Ed Edd n Eddy creator Danny Antonucci.
But if you find the right animation studio, I hear it can be allot of fun.
Pixar is considered to be one of the best! But this is just...a...test! BeastieBoy!