Animation inspired by Gundam and Transformers. Part 1 of 3 in a series.
Although it was rendered really nicely, it felt a bit empty. I think it might have needed some animation to keep it afloat.
You're right! It was first only meant to be a simple model showcase to display one of my first ever hard surface models in 3D, but I ended up going a little crazy and giving it a small story so it is lacking a few things to push it over that edge. But thanks for the feedback and thanks for watching!
This has a great deal of potential.
What you have here is really nice, great effects and nice modeling, but it's so short that it doesn't seem like it needs to be split into 3 parts, the fact that it is so short really leaves me wanting more, but not in the good way, in my opinion you should just submit all 3 at once in one file
I actually mostly agree with what you said. However, I didn't plan to have two other connecting parts at first (just finished the second part today) and this was going to be just a small project animation to learn some hard surface modeling, but in the end made it into a larger story. Was only going to post what is now "part 2" but felt like posting the first one prior to that would make it more cohesive. But thanks for your input, and make sure to watch part 2 when posted!