I really enjoyed mayor chill's, Adam, and Uriel's crisp and clear voice, the other voices were not clear and difficult to understand. Great animation though!
Ohhhh God please let it be front pageee pleaseeeeeeee
There been huge major problems throgh the making of this episode but I still hope you can find this good.
-Symbols crashed and got disabeld-
-Some of the sounds got delayed with the animations
-The sun soposed to be blurry but becuse of the disabled symbols its not ;c-
And I'm still looking for more Female VA so if you're intrested please let me know
So yeah I did my best in here. so I hope you like it :)
I really enjoyed mayor chill's, Adam, and Uriel's crisp and clear voice, the other voices were not clear and difficult to understand. Great animation though!
Needs better voice audio
Not bad. I liked the artstyle but the backgrounds feel a bit lacking, they need some more detail or thought put in to them. Also you didn't put the movie at the proper size here on Newgrounds. Edit you submission and next to Flash Movie(swf): click edit and enter the proper height and width. A good practice is to boarder your Movie with a black square with a hole in it. This way if the Movie is ever at the wrong proportions it won't be noticeable.
I'm not sure what to make of the story, It don't really know what's going on, nothing is really explained and nothing really happens, of course it's part of a series but if the first episode doesn't grab you then you'll have no interest in the second.
Over all it was ok, For a first Movie it certainly was not bad, But you got a long way to go. Good Luck.
Definitely needs some touching up, and the squeaks are annoying, so at least quiet those a bit. Overall it's a very good idea and good animation, keep going, man.