Lol trolololooololo loll ol ol o ol l ol ololololol
Cz- Vse nejlepsi k Narozeninam :D
Lol trolololooololo loll ol ol o ol l ol ololololol
Happy Birthday Endik,
I'm Forgot To Buy Fucking Gift, Oh Fuck,
How Old You Now Eh Bro?
This is, why you don't have birthday parties in Nevada xD. Anyway, animation is great, I did have a little laugh, and then...well, it's Madness.
-Animation (1 Star)
-Based on Madness (2 stars)
-Funny (1 Star)
It's short :( (-1 Star)
4 picos, and 4 stars.
Hilarious animation! That sound effect is one of my favorite ones.
Ty vrahu! zabil si Endika ty svine! :D :D :D
You fu... killer! killed Endik you bastard! :( :( :(
oh okay. this comment is funny not spam or jerk..