Whoow! 196! This really helps you learn! :D Thank you so much!
Hopefully this game can help someone here on NG. It's not the most entertaining game but it works! In contrast to most educational games, this works as good or better than books, videos, etc.
Note! Only the timed mode is really a game.
Whoow! 196! This really helps you learn! :D Thank you so much!
I will totally use that to learn the "Aminosäuren"! Thank you very much and greetings from Germany!
Thank you! The german word is very close to the Swedish 'aminosyror'.
Awesome content. I used it to help study the amino acids, and it was really helpful. Thanks a lot for making this!
However, and I don't know who has control over this... ads are totally unacceptable. It's ridiculous that we have to sit through ads when the artists aren't even being paid.
It's a pretty good "game" - I wouldn't call this entirely a game, but a real eduactional game. It serves it's purpose - teach about amino acids. Even if I didn't learn a single sheeeit about 'em, I still enjoyed the game and would recommend it. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! I did not really expect that but that bodes well for the future as I have several educational games in the working that I hope to be more entertaining and game-like (but with undiminished focus on learning).