Animation's okay. Sound quality's okay. The actual voicing could use a little work, but that's pretty subjective.
The big overall issue is it just wasn't funny for me - Didn't even really register as a joke.
The brief was to create a new interactive media product for people to use, so I thought of "Interactive Teacher".
Totally didn't rip off any characters from Breaking Bad.
Voice actor:
Additional Artwork:
Desktop Background - Anonymous
Classroom Background - Nicholas Cleaver
Well, I didn't expect to get some kinda prize or this much attention as usual, but thanks for the daily 5th place!
And yes, obviously this IS based on Breaking Bad's Mr. White to those of you who think I'm intentionally stealing the character. Some will probably don't get the references if they don't even watch the show.
The original instructions were to make a serious advert but I said "screw it." and added in my favorite teacher from my favorite show. I got high marks in the end! xD
Animation's okay. Sound quality's okay. The actual voicing could use a little work, but that's pretty subjective.
The big overall issue is it just wasn't funny for me - Didn't even really register as a joke.
Haha, that'd be fun to have. The teacher usually teaches the questions too though, I wouldn't have had any reason to ask what 2+2 is if it weren't for them! Fun idea.
You must be both original and a comedian
Other teachers will surely stay out of interactive teacher's territory.
Haha, be sure to give credits to Walter from Breaking Bad :p