Short, story-based game. 10-15 minute experience.
It's weird.
I apologize for the long loading time, hopefully it's worth the wait.
It's also on my site if you want to play it surrounded by blackness for less visual distraction.
But there's nothing wrong with playing it on here!
Three random trivia: hate ( of course I didn't know you didn't tell me) , . . . the fuck , centipead reference -raises eye brow with speculation- . . . don't ask why I tried to solve the nonsence that spuwes out his mouth, it's who I am, I can't help it. We keep choicing the same cards, I must be smarter than he thought. Not realy, My anilitical and scaterbrained head was simply able to interperted his nonsense with semi-acurasy because it was . . . dramatic pause . . . nonsense. Yep, you read that right. The only why to understand nonsense is to use nonsense. Takes on to no one, in other words. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaHAHAAHAAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAAH . . . HA! We are both insane. . . he keeps saying how worthless i am and how he is wasting his time with me. the fact is he doesn't beleive it. I f he did, he would have given me what i wanted the minute I showed up, he NEEDS me. He needs me to reasure him of his self worth. I feel bad for him, to need others to give you self worth. The eliphantcandyeyeddude's comment made me laugh so hard. -points out speck- HOW THE FUCK DID YOU SEE THAT ASS HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . .oh wait, you have eyes now. . . hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahhahha
This game was a bunch of nonsense. . . good nonsense though. good job dude.
I don't know what I just played but I enjoyed every minute of it... I think.
Let me start off by saying that I love how strange and offbeat this game is, that, and the music is pretty sweet as well. This is what NG is about.
There's not too much to the story line, other than a blind, narcissistic card player, a horny green alien, and a passive aggressive elephant type creature with trippy eyes... but that's ok, because I found the whole experience rather enjoyable in an odd way. Well done.
Anyway, I really like the style of this game. And the segue between "matches" is really a great touch.
I would definitely like to see what you could do if you decided to make a dialogue driven adventure game.
Keep up the amazing work, and I look forward to your future projects!