Animation is tolerable, message is stupid for obvious reasons.
Everyone is a "World Citizen"... so are the "World Citizens" paying taxes to every nation in the world?
Is Mexico paying taxes to help out the folks in France? Is Liberia paying taxes to support folks in Germany? Nope?!? Then we are not "World Citizens".
The laws are not identical from nation to nation. Welfare programs to help the impoverished in one nation SHOULD NEVER BE USED to help Criminal Border Jumpers from another nation (theft of money from a National Support System that the Criminal Border Jumper NEVER PAID INTO EVER).
Do you want your women to be forced to conform to the laws of Saudi Arabia?
Do you want it to be legal for a woman that is raped to be executed for involuntary adultery as is legal under Muslim laws?
The reason we have national borders is to keep our economies intact, to keep national stability (if Mexico decided to flood Sweden with Mexicans, then in a few decades Sweden would resemble Mexico with all the problems of Mexico, because the people carry the DNA of dysfunction or prosperity). A Sweden invaded by Mexicans would no longer have the prosperity & talents of the Swedish people (a genetic skill-set nurtured by a thousand years of careful often difficult choices). When a large low-IQ low-intelligence population (a factor of the DNA of that population) floods another nation with their illiterate burdens then the Criminally Invaded nation becomes Criminally burdened by unemployable invaders.
A nation without borders is like a farmer's field without weed or pest controls.
The Criminal Invaders only come to steal the immediate prosperity of that nation with no care for the native population and the genetics of that population that made the nation great.
Since the Criminal Invaders have not the genes or intelligence to create prosperity in their own nation, these Criminal Invaders are like hungry locusts flooding farm lands to gobble up this years harvest. The locusts neither care or have the ability to grow their own farms, they just desire to steal the hard work and land of the genelines that know how to farm. The Criminal Invaders are there to simply STEAL EVERYTHING and they have not the genelines of prosperity or the self-control to make the nation that they abandoned into a great nation. If the Criminal Invading moronic thugs are not dealt with in the same lethal manner that an invading swarm of locusts are dealt with, then the Criminal Invaders always destroy the nation they are invading.