Simple and challenging fun. Wish there were an jukebox to just loop the music though, I liked the funky bgm.
Are there different versions? I noticed that the upgrade sprite seem a little different in armorgame's upload (It's purple, while here it's yellow).
There seem to be a bug at stage where there're vertical lasers at the 2 ends of 2 spike tunnels. (The stage in your walkthough video's 3:10 mark). For whatever reason, the laser, while present, is never shown in my play through, regardless of which version I play.
(Basically, the laser kills you, but you cannot see it, unlike what we see in the video)
It was rather confusing until I noticed that using the blocker some how allowed me to get close to the spikes.
The way the story is told can use some works, I think there seems to be 2 characters around? One with no screen and one with 3 basic colors(player)? I'm not entirely sure. A fun time killer for around 20 min regardless.