Well what do you know :P A knew weedhog. I actually remember liking the first one you made
Ever since I'd did other animation shorts after doing the original Sonic the weedhog film with no sounds included and not only that, it's the most viewed animation I did on my newgrounds account which I find very stupid and above all pathetic and people telling me to work on my animation... DO YOU SELF A FAVOR stop watching my sarcastic crap animation and watch my good ones instead that will mean something to me and most of all YOU GUYS ARE NOT SO FLIPPING RETIRED ...
So here it is ...The long awaiting sound edition to SONIC THE WEEDHOG but REDONE IN A DIFFERENT NEW WAY with sounds and new scenes
Well what do you know :P A knew weedhog. I actually remember liking the first one you made
that was pretty bad....
Well that was rather. . . uh . . . interesting?
why bother