Good work, my friend.
Warhammer 40000 Cartoon 3
Good work, my friend.
More of it good man! The style is simple yet catching all what it needs to let your fights and battle moments look good.Theres lots of potential in your work and i suggest you build more around it,make it bigger, longer scenes. Unless its supposed to be slapstick comedy :-) And youre doing great with that allready.
When it stays with short battle scenes thats allright..of course i wished the scenes last longer ;-)
Im glad to see a little more warhammer40k stuff on here. And it looks awesome too.
I was going to give it a zero, but you did put some effort into it. I think.
So this is what the world of Warcraft looks like. :) Can't say I've much experience with the series, but this was well-done, a stylishly animated short of the war and it's sudden end... all in a perfect loop!
Not enough Herasy