As soon as I saw 'anime' in your name, I knew you were going to be good, with the videos I have watched so far, you have not dissapointed me.
In this cartoon Mark will show us how to make a 3D Search
The 3D Search is a new technology that allow us to feel like you never see before a internet search, and the best part NO GLASSES NEEDED.
Please subscribe to our Youtube channel:
As soon as I saw 'anime' in your name, I knew you were going to be good, with the videos I have watched so far, you have not dissapointed me.
Available exclusively to Xbox One.
but you must buy a gold acount
Facebook i knew that XD
Creative : 8/10
First Impression : 9/10
Fun : 7/10
Graphic : 6/10
Total : 30/40 (4 Star)
I agree with your review :)
Oh Hi Mark xD
Hii :3 <3