find a pair
This is the best game I've ever played, hands down.
Hey, Newgrounds is not a place for children.. Therefore it is not a place to put children games.
Newgrounds is also not a place to share your religion, as it is filled with many judgmental people and you never know what response you will receive.
This is like the anti-thesis of this entire site....
I guess the best way I could put this would be by saying this is just misplaced. I guess if this website was specifically for either God worship or children then you'd have made a good game but considering not, my vote is a one. That at least makes it so people who vote 3 or possibly even 2 could outweigh my vote. I don't see people voting 0 for this as I see no possible reason but haters will come up with any reason as I might have displayed.
I do want to make it clear that this is not a hater vote. I just don't think it's placed correctly. I probably won't allow my children to be on this site for a while and my daughter (4) can easily play this game. My son (2) would probably learn a thing or 2 from this game but I only get on this site when they aren't around due to the mixed content.