i love pewds
A fight between PewDiePie and Marisa Kirisame(Touhou Project)
The game used to make this is called mugen. I take no credit for the pewdiepie/marisa sprites.
i love pewds
This wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for the thumbnail. I mean it looks like one of those distilled flash images that noobs used in youtube around 2006-2007 created just by taking a few hours in movie maker. If pewdiepie had his own MUGEN sprite custom made, then that i would give credit for. Also Mugen is a prime example that games shouldnt have more than 2 people talking over each other
Pewdie Pie, why are you always hilarious in everything you do or are in?
This was pretty well done, making PewdiePie into a Game Sprite, then placing him into the game of Melty Blood, or similar to it.
The wrong person won. :\