The controls are not soooo bad, the music is classic so I give 2 stars
[This game is old and is *very* bad, just letting you know before you comment 'This game sucks!']
All levels are possible.
Arrow keys to move
Hold up to jump higher.
Glorious Morning
A short but fun game
The controls are not soooo bad, the music is classic so I give 2 stars
Why the bad reviews? The jump mechanics aren't great, but other than that, it is fun!
Yeah, I'm going to agree Keihl in saying that this really isn't a puzzle at all. If you want to be accurate, change the tag to platformer.
Not terrible for a first game, but you've certainly got a very long way to go. I can't really agree with Kibate, since I've used stencyl before and found it to be a really good platform. You just have to get really familiar with it, which can be hard and takes time, but is worth it in the end.
It needs a lot of work visually, but if you're more interested in programming and game design, and you get really good at it, you can more than likely hire or collaborate with an artist/animator to help you along in that regard. But for now, I'd simply suggest that you continue to work at honing your skills and getting better.
The jumping control kind of sucks.
Looks to me as if you had used some kind of pre programmed engine to make this, my tip to you: Don't.
Program it completely on your own, you can be a lot more creative that way.
If i am wrong, then explain to me why the player character has a bigger width than the actual figure is, or why the exit is moveable?
Some walking animation would be nice too and some setting, like a story and detailed graphics and all that stuff.
What i am getting at is, put more spirit into making a game, even if it is your first.