I like it.
"More Sokol Pie" - 2011
Music: Slavi Trifonov and Ku-Ku Bend
Animation by me and my friends :)
Director: Nedelcho Bogdanov
Animation: Nikolay Vanev, Stancho Ganchev, Nedelcho Bogdanov, Poli Varbanova
Bacgrounds: Roman Kisyov - Enso
I like it.
I liked it a lot :) . With the music itt felt like, a Heavy Metal + retro futuristic + metalocalips stiled fight in Palestina. (poor Palestina)
not! that impressive, you did all this just to make it violent, there was no real point to this. you should stop thinking like the rest and start creating your own style of writing and or scripting the story. you got to take good care of each and everyone of your characters. because if you don't this all there worth to you. you don't need to be violent just for the sake of it. just be true to the characters, just ask yourself do they need the violent? or what! ever else.
Magnigficent work,master your art skills and you can become one of the best.With you luck and KEEP PUSH IT! From Russua with friendship!
5- For animation.
2- For story.
Total= 3.5
I don't know bulgarian, and can make some error.
Sharpshooter just a bitch. She just stay in a rear and watch how her comrades"eat bullets" and "embrace ground ", when epic breadmen destroy heawy cyborgs with... hammer?!
Also, i don't whant to see this anymore...