I have played some of your games in the past and I think that this one may have seen the same problem as some of your first. it seems that part of the screen is missing. I have found all the icons but the number 13 which it seems should be on the spine of one of the books on the far right but there isn't anything there that i can see... having just looked up the walk-thought it seems that i am wrong at the number i was missing was 20 and it is on the underside of a book on the right side. now seeing that I think im going to have to give you extra half a star for frustrating me, it is hard to do that. in the end i have never really like scavenger but I understand that thay have there place in the gaming world. so to that i am going to say. you have a good thing going. I would like to see you add in audio que for when you finish a segment or some "professor Laten" esc music box music to your game but i can under stand why you haven't. thank you and have a good day.