I THOUGHT AT FIRST IT WAS ####, but it was good enough.
Avoid enemy aircraft and shoot to aircraft to get high scores.
I THOUGHT AT FIRST IT WAS ####, but it was good enough.
Wow. This game feels like a first-year, first quarter homework assignment. The controls are sluggish, the background is uninspiring and blah. There's only one type of enemy, and they move through the air with the grace of a flat football. Collision detection is spotty, with shots that should destroy a plane sliding past the enemy. This means that in a pinch, you die. Sound is really bare-bones. No explosion sound when you die. Nothing special. How about a transition screen when the game is over, or even name entry for your high score. The game is boring and holds my attention for longer than it takes me to blink. Fix this game, or prepare to be avoided.
This game is extremely primitive. Your plane moves too slow to avoid the enemies and it's lasers fire to slowly to kill them before they hit you. Not to mention that your lasers sometime pas right through the enemies or just disappear for no reason. You win automatically after your score hits 85, which kind of defeats the purpose of it being a survival mode. There's no story. Also, your flying planes in outer space...
It has no depth to it, it would be easy if it were not cheap, in the way that it says you die before the planes even hit you.
I like the direction it's going, but I wasn't impressed with the fidelity of the sprites. If my bullets can't hit enemy wings, their wings (and even the space beyond the wings) probably shouldn't be taking my plane out! Definitely a good start to a game though.