Excellent work good sir and if I had to sum this up in one word it would be... Good... Just kidding its Mycaruba
I love your art style and it looks good in low quality for some odd reason I don't know why,
An animated film of the grumpy game variety, just for you
Audio From Game Grumps - "Out of This World" (Part 3):
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Excellent work good sir and if I had to sum this up in one word it would be... Good... Just kidding its Mycaruba
I love your art style and it looks good in low quality for some odd reason I don't know why,
If I would have to describe it in one word it will be "good"
just kidding it's mycaruba
The lip sync was really well done and your style seems looks cool too (:
the nicely done animation scored you a 4, but altogether i had to dock a point due to you only having created that alone.
good luck on your future projects.
I couldn't hear the dialog due to the laughter and thats the one thing that let this movie down.