it all bad, i wouldn't be able to piece anything together if not for watching Pewd's videos. As far as parodies go, this was sad parody, it wasn't funny, the best part was the voice acting. Advice for this: parodies of youtube sensations is always a risky topic, you have to do it right or prepare to get an ear full. Now, I'm not standing up for Pewd and I'm not putting him down. But, personally, I'm not a fan. I can stand him, but in small doses. That being put on the board, i can't say much in the line of comparison except for... your parody is oil to your sources water. Tips: Study on your topic more. Put time into animation, and have a flowing sequence of events. Just to make sure i wasn't biased i had a person watch this, not knowing who the characters where. and they had no idea what was going on.