you got some style
This was my entry for this months loopdeloop, the theme was Frustration. More new cartoons on the way!
you got some style
Really nice art style. Story was short but funny, that MK reference really got me in the end!
My, how you've come far. You're really coming into yourself. The Gerkinman... he awakens. Your transition to the truck was flawless. Really dug the old spumco-y detail shot of the toaster too. The slimey and sharp colour gradations radiating outwards were spot on. So happy to see you're this good.
I have much better and longer stuff on the way, loopdeloop is always just a chance to experiment.
cool colours
colours are cool.
Haha I really dig the style of animation you used for this short.
It has that classic Spumco type feel to it, and by that I mean it has really good quality!
Keep up the great work!
Cheers mate.