Nice work, but it fades in comparison to Bitey of Brackenwood. Zuzu is too similar to Bitey to be a compelling character.
Zuzu is an annoying prickster elf that's always causing trouble. Until karma bites him in the ass..
This took me quite a while to finish, I worked so much on it I don't know what to think about it, so you guys go ahead and tell me.
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Created by Danny Lesco aka MisterHerbal
Theme : Marius Stene
Voicing & Some Ideas : Phaerie
That's it, bye.
UPDATE : Wow front page so fast, BIG Thank you to Newgrounds and all you guys giving me this amazing feedback, whether it's constructive or positive, I truly appreciate it :)
Nice work, but it fades in comparison to Bitey of Brackenwood. Zuzu is too similar to Bitey to be a compelling character.
Maybe, and yes I have to agree, Bitey is a legend. The work of addam phillips is beyond my powers. I'd never try to make anything to be in a competition with his work. He was an early inspiration back in the day though! :)
A rare treat, excellently made cartoon with characters that are charming. Heavily influenced by Zelda and FlapJack.
As countless others have said... cute :D
Heh. It was cute. I liked it!
uhh, ya might wanna recheck the spelling of *Trickster* in your description
It's meant to be the way I wrote it my friend. Prickster is my definition of a prick and a trickster combine in one being :D