way to simple you hardly have to do something
You don't have to control your units, only to give orders at waypoints and to chose what to build.
Click on :
* waypoints to set orders for your robots ;
* arrows on building to select which robot you want to build (when available).
Keyboard arrows move the view/camera.
Escape to abandon the stage.
Mini Ludum Dare #44 (7dRTS) compo entry.
Yes, it's heavily inspired by Z, from The Bitmap Brothers (1996).
way to simple you hardly have to do something
With a proper tutorial explaining what the player is supposed to do this would probably be a good game. but as the only thing im told is how to move the camera and to click on the buildings to create way points, its really hard to even know what the goal is. I would remake it and add a tutorial.
there nothing to really do... no audio, no strategy, NOTHING...