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Scrub~Flying Islands

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In this short, yet fun adventure, you play as scrub, and you have been summoned by your god, The Exosphere, to find a red ring, and use it to repair all of the islands, back into it's original form.

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only thing going for this game is that it surprisingly controls well.

all i could say was already said below me...why is he so big? couldnt even fit in the lava in the first level. this sucks

Alright, i'm gonna be honest with you.
I don't like this game, as armadas pointed out most of your sprites are stolen.
Also spikes are ambiguous which is a big no-no in platformers , single spikes are fine but groups aren't I don't get it.
Another thing if you're gonna map a jump and a run make sure they work in conjunction, it was very irritating being unable to jump while running.

I love your presentation, the game looks and sounds good on the surface. i think pixel art is cool and i am a Gen. NES gamer so when i heard your chip tunes i got all jumpy. but after only a few moments of game-play I started to see some things i didn't care for. i know this sounds off but it feels like your draw-distance is to short, the screen scrolls right but it is still hard to judge your jumps and that is a deal beaker for most i would bet. maybe if you could pull back the POV some or add something like the "look mode" form Sonic 2, that could help you out some. i also think that some of the background object pop out more then they need to, sometimes it looks like there should be plat-foms where there are not. maybe that could be off set by adding some shadows or texuring the four-ground and backgrounds in some way like the chop and dale game did, or try what Simon's Quest did and make platforms all one color. i really cant say. let me know what you think.

I don't like it.
It's ugly as hell, with stolen assets all over the place, the background isn't even finished, the character is way too big for the screen size and I don't even know what it's supposed to be.
The game mechanics work fine, but the level design is pretty abysmal as well so they don't have very much use.

theinsanebox responds:

Well, the assets were posted online at the forge for stencil, providing the pack which he had created himself, therefore, it's my copyright to use it for a game.

Credits & Info

1.56 / 5.00

Jul 21, 2013
9:40 PM EDT