that was funny to watch
what was that guy at the end was wearing?
the girl is cute
keep it up
Random random randomness random what?
This is a Public Service Announcement from FoxyApartment!
that was funny to watch
what was that guy at the end was wearing?
the girl is cute
keep it up
The dude with the beer at the end was wearing swimming trunks and shirtless or something like that, lol. Thankyou very much for watching!! We will definitely keep it up!
Gotta love the randomness. Great job here can't wait for more. METHLIFE!!!!!!!!
Thanks for making sense of the fact that this doesn't make sense.
I feel like this is very poorly constructed, Random humor still has a sense of timing and rhythm that I feel this severely lacks. Maybe pointless and half done is what your attempting to accomplish but if it isn't I'd suggest adding some story into the mix...might help your chances of really making this into something worth watching because right now I personally see nothing that pulls me in or keeps me invested.
Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated. Even though you don't like our videos that much I really appreciate that you keep checking them out! It is a sign that there is actually something that is keeping you invested. Perhaps it's the fact that you will never know what to expect from Foxy Apartment? In which case you at least got the message we were trying to convey with this video.
random and funny lol
Hell yeah, thanks!
Neat little piece. I liked it :P