Nice trivia game and all, but that announcer is obnoxious. His loud, sing song-y voice and strange accent make it hard to concentrate on the puzzles. Not to mention being unable to skip the opening, holy shit. Thanks for the headache.
Its secound version of original game Nagad tat lakh. Welcome to Nagad tata lak2. Its already completed as fans said and as aspected. thankyou. but it does not have any language selector or changer. wait for next version. thankyou.
Nice trivia game and all, but that announcer is obnoxious. His loud, sing song-y voice and strange accent make it hard to concentrate on the puzzles. Not to mention being unable to skip the opening, holy shit. Thanks for the headache.
Hello "Nextoy" for your nice comment. Did you notice that you are first fan it is that Important for me. Thankyou very much.