its called adblock not adbock and the movie is short and not funny
corporations hate this tool bu we love it, lets see what they think it does and what it actually does.
its called adblock not adbock and the movie is short and not funny
Fun and playfull, nice work as per usual,.
Pretty funny!
Good smooth animation too ^^
I have to question the integrity of advocating ad block when the author advocating it makes ad revenue from the content in which he advocates ad block. Before the obvious accusation of making an ad hominem comes into play, directly addressing the contradiction of one's own advocation does not an ad hominem make; it's an inconsistency.
This seems more like an attempt to capitalize on what you ultimately view as anti-capitalism / anti-corporatism than a genuine expression of opinion, which would explain the presumptuous straw man arguments. I'm calling you a used car salesman in case you can't tell.
I also love the vague depictions of each side of the argument where the anti-adblock side includes some overly abstract "Adblock Spider", which literally conveys nothing about the straw manned point the straw man content provider is allegedly trying to make other than that he views adblock as... virus infested? That's generally the impression I get whenever some black, quadrupedal, carnivorous, red eyed, eldritch-esque figure scales across the stage with what appears to be a bag of stolen goods mounted on its back and the topic involving said depiction happens to be about the internet. Then again, misdirection, over simplification and straight up bullshit tends to be the objective of a straw man argument when one is made.
Then you depicted the pro-ad block side as being purely and strictly anti-capitalist, which is also wrong despite however much you've taken the pro-adblock side; lots of people use adblock out of the necessity of avoiding virus infestations or bypassing broken code that prevents videos from playing, exempli gratia Blip. Despite your feigned attempt at taking the pro-adblock side you've depicted everyone that uses adblock as being nonchalantly self centered, self entitled and petty, which is a notion I won't outright disagree with. However, it really does undermine your point to make the people allegedly on your side of the debate seem needlessly sociopathic which is another reason why I'm calling you a used car salesmen, figuratively that is.
Irrelevant yet funnily enough, whenever I see a video made in the attempt of flipping the finger to corporatism there tends to be a trend of ineptitude in execution; two out of five of your buttons don't work, you can't draw a fist or any kind of hand for that matter as apparently the human thumb is the longest appendage on a person's hand so much in fact it reaches the tips of every other finger, metacarpals are nonexistent as proximal phalanges feed directly into the carpals whilst palms are on-and-off things of fiction. Your replay button goes to the first frame where your ad is when it should go to the second frame e.g. real replay buttons for SWF files with preloaders. The cherry on top; you use the brush tool and motion tweening, the marks of an amateur Flash author. Another mark of an amateur is using the Newgrounds video player but that's a different submission.
I also love how the end credits are apparently "needless", as if the music you used is neither deserving of nor merits being acknowledged and said needless end credit sequence was included merely out of legal obligation. I'm sure this stems from the logic that authors ought to be grateful for being merely noticed because being paid is selfish. Don't try to deny this by explaining that the music had to be bought in order to be obtained, any music can be obtained for free if you know what you're doing and where to go; Kevin Macleod's music is on Youtube, a place that has entire content ripping sites built around it. That's the jinxing implication of defending adblock in the way you have, accusing you of piracy ceases to be outlandish because you've depicted content creators as being over reactive and alarmist. Then again, that concept is running on the premise that you don't make money from this and furthermore, don't want money for your content at all, which is precisely why you run ads in your content... wait...
Ultimately this is just another case of an author trying to sap fame out of a hot button topic; not a social commentary, not an expression of opinion, just an attempt at achieving fame and money by means of pandering. Who said that substance and honesty were good things?
The greatest irony of this is that the pro-adblock caricature wears a fedora hat, which implies Luis Lovhaug's recent public relations debacle. The irony was not the misstep of somehow implying that Linkara is the poster child for adblock but rather that Megadrivesonic has also done his own reviews and made money off of them on this very site; they're rambling, meandering, vague, unedited and poorly made with shitty audio equipment and conditions. Scripts exist for a reason, they help add definition, direction and summarization to what you're trying to convey. Editing software also exists for a reason too, that is to remove mumbling, long pauses, mispronunciations, rambling, murmuring, stuttering, background noise, distortion, repetition, readjusting the microphone, et cetera. It's as easy as the audio timeline in Windows Movie Maker. If you don't use Windows then that means your ability to excuse yourself from not sucking is even less merited and available.
I'll say it again; used car salesman.
i thing you may be reading to much in a cartoon
I love adblock, although I think you're missing part of it.
The problem with Adblock, is that instead of compromising, it kind of damages the value of advertising, a lot of people who do that advertising are spending money on it. That money only comes back if people buy things, click on the ads, or go to their website (and sometimes only one of these) however, Adblock blocks the ad, and still counts it as viewed by your IP Address, which means it counts negatively towards their advertising. To give you a way to relate, imagine spending 5$ on Facebook ads for your Facebook page, and somebody blocks all of Facebook's page advertisements and you get 0 likes because of it. Kind feels like you wasted 5 bucks, right? I try to turn off Adblock every now and again, for banner advertisements and such, but we all know the main reason Adblock was made is because some idiot decided to make annoying popup ads that can't be closed or force you to click on the ad in order to use their crummy site. THAT is when I say I wish Adblock had the power to permanently destroy the advertisement. xD
Anyways, I enjoyed the animation, great job.
yeah i do realize why adblock for that reason, people i know are gonna think i hate ads but i only had ads that are malicious and i sometimes use it on youtube when they start to get annoying.