Can't play on firefox, updated to latest adobe flash player, still didn't work. not even bothering to troubleshoot this one.
Control of the Galaxy depends on your command in this RTS (Real Time Strategy) game. Strategically deploy troops, vehicles, and aircraft to defeat the enemy, and defend your base. Explore the battlefield to find enemy units hidden in the fog of war. Control and command all units to attack or defend.
Can't play on firefox, updated to latest adobe flash player, still didn't work. not even bothering to troubleshoot this one.
Can't play on the safer chrome version of flash, chrome flash runs in a sandbox about as strong as chromes native sandbox, meanwhile adobe's flash is so bad a new exploit to hack pc's that use it comes up every damn few months. So call me picky, but this is a big no-no for me, plusspeaking from experience you probably don't even need the extra technical feature that is making your game incompatible with my browsers flash.
Slow-paced, and a terrible memory hog (it actually crashes Flash on lower-resource machines if you're not careful) - would have been better to make in something like GameMaker instead of Flash.
I got interesting probem in not being abe to select any unit. Everything else worked fine...well it worked, unfortunately some unit cost was wrongly attributed (Air/to/Air is five instead of four and so on) and I vote for "too slow paced" too.
storyline is very interesting, but all units are the same, gameplay not very fun...