i can't stop laughing at the beginning voice help me
i can't stop laughing at the beginning voice help me
Lolololol right in the childhood XD.
.... i'm very disapointed
Microsoft Sam...
You disgrace such a good show and have a very childish sense of humor. I didn't even mention the fact that there is NO ANIMATION IN THIS ANIMATION. This is just a PowerPoint Presentation. It's even sad that you reported a user abusive for having a FUCKING opinion and some STANDARDS! This does not deserve to be on Newgrounds nor any website not even on you computer! It's sad that you marked "Hilarity" in the description... I know you probably forced or Cat to laugh at this abomination. The voice acting is terrible, IT'S A JOKE! I don't even know how this gets past "Under Judgement". Maybe you made seven accounts to say this was 5 stars, but seriously?? Maybe you didn't make five accounts, but people need to have fucking standards! YOU KNOW WHAT? You're being abusive! Report some innocent person for having a FUCKING OPINION!!! I know I am repeating myself, but that was beyond low!! No other person in the world would do some thing. (Maybe there are others so you don't have to be so FUCKING lonely... If there are others, you should start a club called "The Lifeless Pieces of Shit Club")
Ed Edd n' Eddy had very creative ideas, likable and distinguishable characters, deep character back-stories, funny episodes, and inspiration. You have none of those, just stupid exposition and BULLSHIT! From this video, I can tell that you are a untalented sack of disgusting filth who should probably post his PowerPoint Ed Edd n' Eddy porn on YouTube where nobody will see it and get his account closed. I DO NOT WISH TO SEE YOUR NEXT VIDEO!!!
P.S. If you even think about reporting this comment to be abusive, then your an Ignorant CUNT!
Constructive Criticism
1)Ditch the PowerPoint Presentation bullshit
2)Get a REAL animating program
3)Get a tablet (optional)
4 Make your own art
5)Make it funny (or depressing, or drama, or whatever your trying to go for)
7)Make it an appropriate length (ALSO A MUST HAVE)
8)Try not to waste anyone time
9)Get a Mic (Optional, but if you do not get a mic, don't bother making your own audio)
10)If there is music in you animation... DON'T MAKE IT TOO LOUD (MUST HAVE)
11)Make your music appropriate situation
12) Make your music appropriate and liked for all ages(NO DUBSTEP OR WHATEVER THEY CALL IT) P.S You can add Dubstep, but make it quiet
13)Have fun making animations
14)Look for weird animaiton glitches.
15) Don't cry over criticism
16)Don't use this is my first animation as an excuse
17)Have some one to look over your animation
18)Have an Idea or just Know Physics
19)Take breaks
20)Don't avoid doing something just because it was easier to animate
21)Don't submit an animation unless you know it is as perfect as possible
22)Take animation advice from you reviews(MUST KNOW
23) Acknowledge animation or drawing errors from reviewers (Must KNOW)
24)Add a Play/Replay button!
25)Put video/animation in HD settings
26)Put audio in HD settings(Must Have)
27)If you are making an animation series make sure that series isn't becoming repetitive or unoriginal; if so end the series (MUST KNOW)
28)Don't animate for money; you still can animate/draw for money, but do it as a passion instead of a job! (MUST KNOW)
There you go! If you follow these steps I will see an improvement and see you less a terrible terrible person that you are!
His review was abusive becuase all it said was "blam this" which violates the Newgrounds reveiwer guidelines.