You need to fix the audio at the start
Elvic answers an ask from Tumblr and files a restraining order! Fun times! Do you want to ask Elvic a question? You can go to and ask him there!
You need to fix the audio at the start
The audio? How so? Is it the lip sync?
The animation could use a little polishing, but other than that, great short!
Thank you! As I get more and more asks, I hope to improve as I go :D
you certainly know what you are doing here
nice presentation, nice way to show emotion and really good humor
the rock came as an surprise and kept me watching
i like your simple animation style, if it wasn't for all the minor movements with mouth, chin, finger, should etc... i would have though it was bad but you clearly putted some effort into this^^
keep it up i would diffidently like to see more from you and one question
are you prepared to answer any kind question? lol
Thank you, dangmaster! I happy you liked my cartoon! I put in some effort into this one, yeah, but I can certainly do better. And yes, I am prepared to answer any question. I realize I could be opening Pandora's box here, but I'm prepared for the worst.
pretty nice animation
Thank you!