great animation, and drawings of the people/faces/aliens/soldiers and of the backgrounds, as well as, great lighting, and explosions effects.
still, while the animation is superb, i must say: this needs a story.
or, it could make a good action movie, if you had an actual script going on, OR, it could a fun parody of the alien-invasion movies, making fun of them in a creative way!(if you added more humour, and less of a sudden ending like that.)
you could do it, like
1. alien transforms into australian president
2.she goes at a world UN convention
3. his disguise runs out of batter, and he is revealed to be an alien, and not the australian prez.
4.they hunt the alien in a benny-hill type of chase OR
5. they shoot the alien and the real female president of australia arrives and says ''what did i miss?''
something like that.
like i said, you have the skills, and the talent, you now need a story!