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Cinco de Gayo

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EDIT: Uh, I guess there's a full screen button now... enjoy I guess? O.o

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone! And it's only 24 days late, heh. Will I ever finish anything on time? Probably not. Anyways, I started working on this on the first of May, thinking I could get it done in 4 days, boy was I wrong. This took longer to make than it should have, but I took some of that extra time to put in some shading and shit so now it looks pretty in some parts. This was really fun to make, and is actually my first time animating jizz, lol. Also, this came about because MistyEntertainment was working on a Cinco de Mayo animation so I wanted to make one too. In addition to that, I wanted to make something just for the sake of it being funny and adult, since everything I've been writing/making lately has been serious and/or family friendly. So yeah. Feedback is appreciated and thanks for watching!

Title: Cinco de Gayo
Run Time: 1:38
FrogMan the Series: Season 1, short 2.

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In my opinion, tacos are good for any day! Not just Cinco de Mayo. On to the review!

I liked animation. It could be a little rough, but I like that it had a very personal style to it. I really wish there had been some foley or at least stock sound effects in the flash because of the extremely awkward transition from the title music to almost dead silence when making tacos. What would have been funny is if you had the voice actor do some sound effects when the tacos were being made.

As for the actual humor, I didn't find it very funny. It technically says "mature" but the humor was very juvenile. Not that there's anything wrong with juvenile humor, I think we all enjoy a good dick joke every once and a while, but there was nothing really that funny. The one joke I found kind of funny was when the elder frog just went out and said what the innuendo was about mostly because of the timing of the joke.

Overall, you should work on your comedic timing and work on sound effects as well as beef up your drawing skills, there's personal flare and then there's inexperience.


Review Request Club

artistunknown responds:

Alright, I understand. I've been trying to add sound effects to my flashes, sometimes it's hard to find the right sound effects, though I am building up a library of stock sounds, I just didn't have any for this animation :/. There will definitely be more sound effects and background music in my future animations. I even took the time to find specific sound effect for my next flash.
Normally I would try not to be as adult with my jokes, but I just felt like doing it for the sake of doing it here. I guess I won't be making any more jokes like the taco fucking any time soon unless there's a very good reason for it. I don't seem to be that bad with timing on normal jokes, but I do see that I need to work on that.
My drawing is something I am definitely working on. With pencil and paper I am somewhat of an artist and my drawing skills are far better than what is seen here, though I tend to rush the drawings when trying to get the animation done faster since I'm doing it all frame by frame. I will take the time to make my drawings better in my next animation though.
Thanks for the review!

The voice acting was pretty good and the jokes weren't too bad either, so it was pretty good. Maybe just spend a little more time on the animation and it would be really good.

artistunknown responds:

Yeah, I guess I could spend some extra time making my lines smooth, it will be hard breaking the habit of rushing on my line work though. Thanks for the review!

The voice acting is really good for Frogman. Some of the others are kinda quiet, tho. The animation seems to be all frame by frame, and it's actually pretty good. I was really enjoying this one. Then, when the old guy came out and the potty humor started, while I wasn't impressed, I can roll with it. Until the last scene. Yeah, I gotta agree with JoltMasta on this one. It was pretty good, but the experience was soiled a bit by the, uh, ...sour cream! :D

artistunknown responds:

Totally understandable. I won't be doing anything this adult for a while, not that many benefits to it XD. Sorry the sour cream spoiled for you :p. Ah well, thanks for the review! Oh, and I'll try to fix the quietness of my mic, I might have to invest in a blue yeti now, heh.

Well done guys

I enjoyed this a heck of a lot, even with the sexual humor, but hey, if you can't make a joke out of everything, why make jokes at all?

But yeah, everything was pretty good, though I will say like others have said, the art needs some work, or, at least, some polish. I've seen animations that are very haphazard that are absolutely perfect no matter how they look, sometimes the bad art is a major plus, in all honesty.

Once you find your center, you are sure to win, Mulan. Uh... yeah.

artistunknown responds:

Normally I try not to be too adult with jokes, but I got tired of making a lot of family friendly/serious stuff lately, so I decided to make a more adult thing that was just meant to be funny and got a bit carried away. The art needing improvement has been noted, and I will definitely take a step up in the efforts for my next animation, even if it means spending a lot more time on a frame, but hey, quality over quantity. Plus I'm still getting used to using a tablet and I'm not entirely sure how to get my line quality to not be utter garbage. Thanks for the honest feedback and taking the time to review it though, and +1 for that last line, heh.

Credits & Info

3.28 / 5.00

May 29, 2013
6:00 PM EDT