In my opinion, tacos are good for any day! Not just Cinco de Mayo. On to the review!
I liked animation. It could be a little rough, but I like that it had a very personal style to it. I really wish there had been some foley or at least stock sound effects in the flash because of the extremely awkward transition from the title music to almost dead silence when making tacos. What would have been funny is if you had the voice actor do some sound effects when the tacos were being made.
As for the actual humor, I didn't find it very funny. It technically says "mature" but the humor was very juvenile. Not that there's anything wrong with juvenile humor, I think we all enjoy a good dick joke every once and a while, but there was nothing really that funny. The one joke I found kind of funny was when the elder frog just went out and said what the innuendo was about mostly because of the timing of the joke.
Overall, you should work on your comedic timing and work on sound effects as well as beef up your drawing skills, there's personal flare and then there's inexperience.
Review Request Club