fuck you
Hey! This is my first animation, made over 6 hours, and was basically just a chance for me to mess around with flash and practice animating, voice recording, music editing etc.
Hopefully there'll be more to come as I improve!
fuck you
uuuhhh its so BOREING and WEIRD
I liked where it was going. But it could've been longer, there was room to continue the story. Good work anyways!
lol, the statue of link.... nicely done
It's not that bad, but you could have used the time spend dragging out the punchline on some more content for this short. Also, I could barely hear your BGM, so increase your volume configuration just a touch, don't want to deafen headphone users.
The lip syncing was good, and you actually added some things to the background; I believe you could make something worthwhile if you seriously invested more time in your future submissions. 3 / 10