for old times sake
i had to come back and view this submission a few years later, with a faster connection. i love it. whatever happened to all those japanese children???
Our vision of the Delta ad. It has been unfinished for months but it is close enough to done i thought it would be better to post it unfinished than to never finish and never post it. Hope you like it. This is one of our best flash movies. If you look at some of the others we have submitted, you probably won't like them as much. Also, the email address at the end will be functional once again in a few days.
for old times sake
i had to come back and view this submission a few years later, with a faster connection. i love it. whatever happened to all those japanese children???
That was hysterical! The pictures went along perfectly. I LOVED how you used Buddy Christ from "Dogma."
nowhere near as good as the original.......the only funny thing was the voice over and you didnt even do that
All you did was a simple slide show. It might have been better had you actually drawn anything to go with the audio.
Not as good as another one...
Watch the one called "ghetto delta" found by "TheOnceLer" it is sooooo much better.