T'was cool, but something to indicate that you have picked up an item, like maybe a *ching* noise or "Shuriken Get, Smokebomb Get", stuff like that. The music is cool, maybe it gets a little tiring after a couple of loops, but I seem to like it. I like the idea that you have different items as the goal. The first was a chest, second a CD, third a blowup-doll (That's what I think it is, lol) etc. It's a neat idea, but maybe something that indicates that THIS is what you're searching for, like a "Find this item *insert item pic*" or a short camera switch from the goal to you. Nothing that spoils the stage too much, though. I'll give it a 3/5 for a nice clean interface, cool music and varied enemies. Though there is stuff that could be worked on. I also right-clicked the screen and saw *copyright* 2009 H.D.A, which maybe points in the direction that this game was made 4 years ago. Not sure if you have gotten any more experience in making games, flash etc. but I think this is a good starting point (if it wasn't, I'm sorry if you think I'm talking smack :p )
All-in-all, this game could get some minor tweaks, like "item get" and a couple of more music tracks. Thanks for making a cool game, though!