I can see this is your first submission, and I did keep that in mind, but I don't believe that it does any good to sugar-coat the truth. I really, really don't want to put you off making stuff because you could become amazing (:
Visually, it is a lot nicer than a lot of first-time submissions (that I've seen). There are a fair few graphical problems - landing halfway through the blocks, the 'bullets' are bland and the enemies simply disappear from the world but the overall 'look' of the game is decent. (Now might be a good time to mention that the main menu is broken and the "how to play" button shows the credits)
The real put off for me was the sound - The music is pretty dire and stopped altogether after several minutes rather than looping of changing. The jumping 'boing' wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't so loud and the speech when I collected the envelopes sounded awkward. (The actual script might have been great, I'm only fluent in English so I won't presume)
I think with some more experience you can really improve your work. You clearly have a good grasp of the visual aspect of things... Keep going for it.