the art work was too simple. the storyline was a bit of a challenge to follow. this needs a lot of finesse before it is a viable game/movie/story.
hi all , Yes this is the last part of the Last Chance ! (explain I will not about what if someone looked Last Chance ! (Comics part 1,2) ) (No offense I'm just tired today do not have time to explain that (and I LinkBacks )(use Mish) in short GAME OVER
the art work was too simple. the storyline was a bit of a challenge to follow. this needs a lot of finesse before it is a viable game/movie/story.
Sorry, but no, this needs to stay off newgrounds. I appreciate the effort given into trying to contribute to Newgrounds, but this is not what we NG users want on Newgrounds.
not bad but i was expecting a game