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A quickly-made port of a tablet game I made for a school project. Meant to make it easier to share it with family and friends. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, however, feel free to express yourself. :)

The goal of the game is to complete as many statues as possible before the timer runs out. Use the money you earn after sculpting a statue to buy new, more effective tools, as well as purchasing strange abilities that let you do amazing things!

Edit (2013/04/22): Forgot to resize some animations, it should be fixed now.

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Typical gameplay, interesting concept, alright graphics.
Funky music.
If you continue making games you'll go far.

It has promise but definitely needs fixing. The last time I played, the second and third sculptures were grass and ice, before I could even afford an upgraded tool. I do like the funk soundtrack though.

Not bad, there is however a stamina exploit in the inventory screen, where the timer stops, but the stamina refills. Not sure if that was intentional, but meh. Otherwise, good game.

It was a pretty fun game. The reason I've given only 3.5 stars is because I've seen some bugs. One is where you can open your inventory and your stamina will replenish without the time running, which is pretty unfair. Another is when I opened the inventory the game went black. Other than that, I think this game is actually pretty good.

Functioning, cute game. Shows potential with some balancing and tweaking.

Credits & Info

2.58 / 5.00

Apr 21, 2013
7:21 PM EDT