I'm Can Not Go In Your Game :-(
Control your ship to explore the unknown space.
Harvest, Upgrade, Destroy!
Video: https://youtu.be/TXRuOfzulfs
This game is in an Beta state.
I decided to release it in this stadium to get some Feedback.
Give the game a little time, discover the Console and don't rush When you're stuck in the Console, type 'help'
Every comment/suggest is welcome!
PS: Please ignore the spelling, I'm not a native English speaker :)
Ship Movement:
A D - Rotate
W - Accelerate
S - Perform a Atomic brake
E - Land your Buggy on a Planet
Space - Shoot
C - Get access to the console
Buggy Movement:
A D - Drive
S - Brake
Space - Activate harvestinglaser
E - Leave Planet
I'm Can Not Go In Your Game :-(
Keeping in mind you've said this is a beta, I'm loving the console setup and gameplay. It is however lacking in a few aspects First off, it needs SOME kind of overall storyline (perhaps a series of story quests separate from the optional ones). Second it's far too easy to max out your ship, upgrade money making powers (guns and go hunting, mining and blow up planets, or engines/tank and do missions) and you can hit max in under 15 minutes. Upgrades need to be either much more expensive or have a much higher maximum. Lastly you need an info page for the ship stats (and more stats on the miner), some of them were unclear in their exact purpose, learning a system is acceptable, being purposely vague isn't.
Still, as a beta, it's a solid concept, keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot.
The reason why the Upgrades are so easy to achieve is that the game does not have a save system so taht someone plays it for 15 minutes and then come back alter to continue playing and nobody would play it over 5 hours at one session :)
I'm pretty bad when it comes to storytelling or stuff like that :)
complete this game right now,please
needs a pratical objective this is like minecraft before it released out of beta version 1.0
needs enemy variation:not just stats but shape,size,reputation(neutral,friendl y/hostile) and some meeting areas are in kill zones w/o an explained reason
THe Enemys are all friendly, untill you Attack them. :)
I can't see the whole screen.