Woah, slow down there! It accelerates very quickly.
Use a variety of gems to stop any gems from reaching the top by matching colors. You gain gems over time, as the level increases so does the pace of the game.
Woah, slow down there! It accelerates very quickly.
Game needs some tuning, thus the low score. Difficulty increases way too fast, resulting in "game over" after less than 20-30 seconds. Music and graphics are ok, they are not magnificent but work efficiently for the genre. Rework the curve of increase in line spawn time and this could be a fun game to play.
This game is quite interesting and has some potential, but it has some major flaws which make it difficult to play. First off, the game's speed accelerates too fast right from the beginning, so I never have a chance to adapt to it. The blocks rise so quickly that I've only made it to the fourth level at most.
The other big problem I had when trying to play this game was understanding which block I could drop next. At first, I couldn't figure out what was going on, until I found out the next block was the rightmost one in the array. This is a problem because the sizes of all the next blocks are the same. It would be better to place the array of the next blocks to the right of the playing field, and have the most next block be larger than the rest of the blocks.
It would also be nicer to have the block drop instantly when the mouse is clicked, rather than having it float down so slowly.
I would enjoy this game better if these problems could be worked out.