did i seriously watch this whole video
This is my first flash, boy is it terrible, I don't even know how to use flash! I understand this is terrible.
did i seriously watch this whole video
Why would you watch the whole thing?! terrible decision, at least you go to hear my vocals, pretty good, eh?
Star for the author's comment. But, even posting this is kinda like ehhh.
4 frames in a few minute movie can hardly be called an animation and the low quality recording equipment makes the audio realy hard to understand. I wish my class would sing death metal after saying the "N" word
I'm glad you liked my screams and growls, I think I really got a feel for what it's like to be a bear
Yup. It's bad.
Go to my most recent news post for tips and tutorials that might help.
...that's really the best advice I can give.
Well, and don't submit bad stuff. If you do, it'll fill your account with blams or with crappy submissions, so that's not great for your account, your reputation, or for the site. :/
Hope that helps. :)
Im sorry, but this is just repetitive unfunny comedy with MS paint drawings along with it. The only reason i gave it a full star is because you didn't use comic sans. You will get better, just give it some time.