This is pretty good, no complaints... maybe a bit more sound, the audio was very quiet.
A thing I made for a class last semester. The assignment was for a 30 second animation but this wound up being closer to 45. Therefore:
A: After animating the beginning I realized 1/3 of my assignment was now a pie being frosted. Then I skipped to animating the important parts before finishing that up.
B: My teacher says I'm his 2nd best student ever (after some weekend student that works a lot harder)!
The sounds are mostly me snarling into a microphone or whatever. There's no music because I can't compose any and I'm too nervous about getting sued to use someone else's.
This is pretty good, no complaints... maybe a bit more sound, the audio was very quiet.
good but not really interesting
It's short, well animated and cute as hell!
Next time look in the Audio Portal here for some music. As long as you don't make any money off it, and you give them credit, there's a great selection there! Voice actors too.
This would be better with some music. The drawing was okay though.