awesome i love it!
can you find you way out of the maze a hard maze game.if Nyan cat disappears you lose then you will have to click the little restart button you win when you get to the vegeta level sorry for any lag it runs fast on mine.controls you have to click the screen a few times before you can move and you move with the arrow keys.TIP go slow.this is my first maze game i HOPE you like it XD
awesome i love it!
It's an April Fools joke game if anyone hasn't caught on yet. Seriously, as if it wasn't painfully obvious.
I gave it a four because while you did an exemplary job fooling a lot of users here, the Newgrounds userbase isn't exactly known for their intelligence.
I agree with what others have said. having to reload this page every time i die simply because there is no respawn is a pain. maybe try and work on that cuz i would really like to try to play this game but i dont think i will until that respawn issue is fixed. thanks.
Move a few inches disappear, no respawn, no music.
I think I would of had more fun writing boobies on a calculator
Why are you on newgrounds if your looking for something fun.This place sucks.Hey look when this was uploaded
Didn't like this game at all. :( No sounds...and it wasn't very entertaining. I moved just a tiny bit and Nyan Cat just suddenly disappeared. I had no idea what to do.