Sorry if you don't get the joke.
I though this is funny. Its kinda of true I mean when it first came out my friend and I were ready for the new horde. Then we realized it was same as overrun sure its ok but they could have done better.
Thanks! It could have been way better, they just needed time (and Cliffy B ^.^)
Pretty cool!
a bit esoteric, but i like it :D
it's not all that bad, but to a certain degree.. the 2piecing, stimgas, boomshield-shotgun/scorcher gets old really fast, and so do the 5maps .. compared to gears 3 modewise, i'd say it lacks entertainment.
the thing i hate the most, is 1 main weapon and a pistol.. they should really make it a rifle/sniper as main, shotgun offhand, instead of the pistol, would make the game alot more balanced.
the way it is now, it won't last very long.
I agree with you. The game cannot stand the test of time that Gears 3 (and especially Gears 2) has. I'm upset with how fast it came out, it seemed like they didn't give themselves time to improve the game enough.