Out of all the clocks ive seen
This sadly was not the worst. However it has absolutely no redeeming factors and I really don't know what happened other than strawberry hit ki10 with a bat stick thing.
You blow chuncks
Out of all the clocks ive seen
This sadly was not the worst. However it has absolutely no redeeming factors and I really don't know what happened other than strawberry hit ki10 with a bat stick thing.
Eat fish
I't suckt and u did not even say ki10 right!!
poor graphics allso.
peanut butta jelly lives on ki10 does not
and add this to the title SBC kicks some more ass
It looks like you put no effort into this at all. Everything was poorly drawn, and it had no plot. I'm not actually sure what was going on.
I did not enjoy this movie and I gave it the score I think it deserved, a zero.
Haha.... wait..... no
Hmm... Hate to say it, but I don't like clock movies either.