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Mercenaries VS Zombies

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The mercenaries are equipped with the latest clothing technology allowing them to walk among zombies without being noticed! Armed with a vast arsenal, from bows and arrows to snipers, grenades to bazookas, they can even call military reinforcements!

Explode as many zombie heads as you can in this addicting tower defense game with RTS elements by DE Games.

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It's too hard... even on easy mode.

Meh..I think the games ok. Its just that there aren't enough fights for me to earn enough stars for upgrades before the final level. Still, it was fun so thanks

Remember when making a game that what appears easy when you yourself made it and know the absolute perfect way to do everything isn't so easy to everyone else. The difficulty curve is beyond cruel.

Good effort but if they had better gameplay it would be better

Antes de cada batalha, fique comprando e vendendo um mesmo carinha, dai você vai ficar ganhando mais dinheiro. :D Amei esse jogo, muito bem feito, só tem um bug do "New Special" que o balãozinho não saiu até agora. kkk Eu queria muito saber a música do início, gostei muito. ^^

Credits & Info

3.64 / 5.00

Mar 27, 2013
3:46 AM EDT