This was not too fun of a game, but the concept is interesting and clearly PoshRaven has good potential.
Mouse: Move
QMIC keys:self evident
An experimental game about our surroundings
Inspired by Jon Copper Clarks Poem "Evidently Chicken Town"
and Agosto Boal's book "Games for actors and non-actors"
This was not too fun of a game, but the concept is interesting and clearly PoshRaven has good potential.
this game is fucking awesome. I found that sometimes i would die because the cube would just stop (i think it was an issue with blocks going away but the walls still being there for a split second)
seriously tho. great concept, and for once with a flash game i kind of feel like im building some kind of coordination or idk learning a tiny bit hahahah
the idea behind this game seems very good but the main flaw in this game is that i could be pressing the Q,M,I,C keys all at the same time and all the obstacles would disappear making the traversal of the block extremely easy.
Congrats on your first game! And, what's better, congratulations on making a game that feels like you did at least put some thought into the design. I thought that the overall concept of the game felt solid, and I thought that the level designs (for the most part) were at least okay, and occasionally quite good.
Unfortunately, the controls left me as frustrated as the narrator of "Evidently Chicken Town" which may or may not have been intentional. What I ended up doing was let myself die a couple times as I scanned the map and memorized it, and then had to keep my eyes on the keyboard while I actually navigated the level. I doubt that's exactly the experience you were hoping to give people. Perhaps a more generous learning curve would have been nice, too.
Personally, I didn't find much to complain about with the aesthetics. That "death" noise was far too loud in proportion to everything else, but that's a fairly minor complaint.
All in all, it really isn't that much fun to play, but I think anyone with an eye for game design will see that the positive qualities outnumber the just so happens that the annoyances will be the first and most obvious thing anyone who picks this game up will see.
funny game, but not really good or something